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Kansas Wesleyan University

A background in mathematics and physics is required in nearly all science and engineering fields. The Department of Mathematics and Physics at Kansas Wesleyan University is able to provide the solid understanding of mathematics and physics necessary for pursuing further education at the graduate level or applying mathematics and physics principles in a career-launching job.

KWU also offers a dual degree engineering program with Washington University in St. Louis.

To meet the faculty of the Mathematics and Physics program, click here!

Mathematics & Physics FAQ

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statements

The DEI vision for Kansas Wesleyan is to promote a diverse culture of equity, inclusion, integrity, and collaboration that deepens understanding and embraces intercultural and global experiences for students, faculty and staff.

Mathematics and Physics Department
The department of Math and Physics believes that talent is distributed uniformly across different groups of people, regardless of genetics, socio-economic background and geographic location. Since every student is worthy of respect and should have access to a quality educational experience, the department has a commitment to:

  1. Fostering a sense of belonging among all students, whether in the department, the university  and the larger discipline.
  1. Helping students view themselves as members of the mathematical and scientific community with valuable skills and perspectives.
  1. Providing support for students with emotional, cultural, financial or other concerns that could inhibit their success.
  1. Creating environments of inclusion and dignity for all students.

  2. Giving all students experiences demonstrating how physics and mathematics can be powerful forces for finding truth, growing future citizens, providing useful career skills and serving as a source of pleasurable intellectual challenge.

Updated September 2023

Why study Mathematics and Physics at KWU?

Mathematics gives you powerful tools for communication, comprehension and change. Physics teaches the fundamental laws of the natural world, develops your passion for knowledge and innovation, and helps you to discover how to apply what you are learning.

The Engineering Dual Degree Program allows students to earn a liberal arts degree from Kansas Wesleyan University and an engineering degree from Washington University in St. Louis.

What can I do with a degree in Mathematics?

Mathematics graduates end up in a variety of careers, becoming project managers, customer account managers, actuaries and math teachers. Others go on to graduate programs as diverse as chemical engineering, business administration, computer science and mathematics. Mathematics is about logical analysis, deduction and calculation within patterns and structures.

With a mathematics degree, you should be able to turn your hand to finance, statistics, engineering, computers, teaching or accountancy with a success not possible to other graduates.

What can I do with a degree in Physics?

Physics graduates have skills that are in high demand in diverse sectors. These include skills relating to numeracy, problem-solving, data analysis and the communication of complex ideas, as well as a wider understanding of how the world works, on a scientific and human level. This highly transferable and valued skillset also means physics graduates earn more!

About the Mathematics Program

Major requirements

Core Requirements

All mathematics majors are required to complete the following courses:

  • COMP 238 Advanced Python Programming
  • MATH 145 Calculus I
  • MATH 209 Introduction to Probability
  • MATH 210 Elementary Statistics
  • MATH 225 Linear Algebra
  • MATH 245 Calculus II
  • MATH 323 Mathematical Statistics
  • MATH 496 Mathematics Capstone
  • PHYS 165 Introduction to Data Scienc

Minor requirements

Core Requirements – 18-19 credit hours

The student must complete all of the following:

  • 16 credit hours of Mathematics, in course levels 140 and above
  • One course in Computer Science

About the Physics Program

More information is available at the Physics program link above.

Physics Core Requirements

Core Requirements

The student must take all of the following course:

  • CHEM 123 General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 124 General Chemistry II
  • MATH 145 Calculus I
  • MATH 245 Calculus II
  • MATH 246 Calculus III
  • MATH 310 Elementary Differential Equations
  • PHYS 165 Data Science
  • PHYS 221 General Physics I
  • PHYS 222 General Physics II
  • PHYS 227 Modern Physics
  • PHYS 250 Physics Seminar
  • PHYS 265 Scientific Programming
  • PHYS 321 Classical Mechanics
  • PHYS 340 Advanced Physics Laboratory I
  • PHYS 440 Advanced Physics Laboratory II
  • PHYS 486 Physics Capstone I
  • PHYS 496 Physics Capstone Project

Traditional Physics Requirements

Traditional Physics Concentration Requirements:

The Traditional Physics Concentration is a comprehensive study of physics. It is ideal for students who want an in-depth understanding of the field of physics and students who are planning to attend physics graduate programs. In addition to the core courses, student must take all of the following course:

  • PHYS 260 Circuit Analysis & Electronics
  • PHYS 325 Thermodynamics
  • PHYS 335 Electromagnetic Theory
  • PHYS 425 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
  • Select two of the following recommended courses or other upper division physics courses (courses must be at a 300 or 400 level).
  • PHYS 323 Optics
  • PHYS 485 Special Topics

Hands-On Learning

Curious about pursuing a major in math or physics but unsure where it might lead? Physics students learn how the natural world works, and the math and problem-solving skills they pick up are great for the job market. Physics majors teach, work on Wall Street, and serve in the military. They also perform well on the admission tests for law and medical schools.

Studying mathematics is akin to learning a language, actively engaging the mind and exploring by doing math. Our world runs on the basis of numbers as words, and those who are proficient in speaking the language of numbers can find great opportunities for entry-level positions and successful careers beyond. Math majors become fluent in the language of numbers and distilling complex, real-world problems into mathematical equations, concepts, and principles that can be solved.



The recently remodeled Creager Physics Lab and N. Paul Stucky Optics Lab help provide spaces for KWU Mathematics and Physics students to hone their craft.

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